Please contact 1-800-950-0485 to report a school transportation complaint.
The following procedure will govern how students, teachers, staff and community members shall submit safety complaints:
- All complaints should be initiated using the contact number for reporting and other contact information located on the rear bumper of each bus.
- Once initiated each complaint will be investigated by the local transportation manager or designee who shall also report the complaint to the transportation supervisor, keep the supervisor informed regarding the investigation and notify the supervisor of findings and resolution of the complaint.
- Investigation begins with in twenty-four (24) hours of receipt.
- Preliminary report to the Director of Schools within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt of complaint.
- i. Time/date of complaint; Summary of complaint; Driver involved; Prior complaints or disciplinary actions taken against driver.
- Within sixty (60) days of receipt of complaint, a final written report shall be made to the Director of Schools which shall include findings of investigation; action taken by the local transportation manager in concert with the transportation supervisor in response to the complaint.
- Annual notice will be provided to students and parents regarding the process for reporting complaints.