07/22/24 Board Meeting Agenda & Documents
Click Here for Meeting Documents
Posted: 07/15/24 Revised 7/19/24
TO: Warren County School Board Members, Warren County Media
FROM: Dr. Grant Swallows, Director of Schools
RE: School Board Meeting
DATE: Monday, July 22, 2024
TIME: 5:00 pm
PLACE: Warren Co. Schools Central Office, 2548 Morrison St., McMinnville, TN
Individuals desiring to appear before the board must submit a written request with descriptive materials to the office of the Director of Schools two (2) business days before the meeting. If the request is approved by the executive committee, the item will be placed on the agenda. Individuals placed on the agenda will be recognized at the beginning of the meeting and given time to speak when their topic of interest is addressed on the agenda.
There will be a public comment period for each meeting with actionable items on the agenda, with the exception of teacher disciplinary hearings. Comments shall be limited to topics listed on the agenda. The total public comment period for agenda items as well as requests to add items to the agenda shall be for no more than thirty (30) minutes. If an individual wishes to address the Board on an Agenda item, he/she shall sign up on the form provided before the beginning of the board meeting to request time to speak. Each speaker shall be given no more than three (3) minutes. See Board Policy 1.404 Appeals to and Appearances Before the Board for more information: https://tsba.net/warren-county-board-of-education-policy-manual/#board-operations
Board Meeting
5:00 -Call to Order and Approval of the Agenda – Chris Cope, Chair
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Consent Agenda (If no objections, the following items in the consent agenda will be considered passed when the consent agenda is passed)
- Minutes: Board Meeting: 06/24/24 Executive Minutes: 06/24/24, 06/26/24, 06/27/24, 07/02/24, 07/03/24, 07/03/24(2), 07/03/24(3), 07/12/24, 07/16/24, 07/18/24, 07/18/24 (2), 07/18/24 (3)
- Finance
- Checks
- Contracts/Resolutions
- Bids
- Surplus
Student Advisory Report
- None – School Out
- None
Facilities & Resources
- Construction Updates
Operations Report -Grant Swallows, Director of Schools
- Strategic Plan Update
- Update on Personal Electronic Device Procedures
- Request for Pay Raise for Substitute Teachers
- Summer School Report
- Personal Electronic Devices Proposal for Offenses Change
- City of McMinnville Proposal for Tennis Court Resurfacing at Milner Recreation Center
Curriculum & Achievement
Policies for Approval & Adoption on First and Only Reading:
- 1.501 Visitors to Schools (changes required by new law)
- 3.202 Emergency Preparedness (changes required by new law)
- 4.214 Artificial Intelligence (changes required by new law)
- 4.202 Special Education (internal revision to policy)
- 6.300 Code of Conduct (changes required by new law)
- 6.3041 Title IX and Sexual Harassment (internal revisions to policy)
- 6.409 Reporting Child Abuse (changes required by new law)
- 4.403 Library Materials
- 4.603 Promotion & Retention
- 6.203 School Admissions
- 6.304 Student Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying, Cyber-Bullying, Hazing and Intimidation
- 6.309 Zero Tolerance Offenses
- 6.316 Suspension
- 6.318 Admission of Suspended or Expelled Students
Other Business as Needed and/or Requested
Next Scheduled Board Meeting – Monday, August 26, 2024