Early Postsecondary Options
Tennessee students have an unprecedented opportunity for education and training beyond high school through the TN Promise. To ensure students are ready to take full advantage of the TN Promise and succeed in postsecondary, all students should have access to rigorous and relevant early postsecondary opportunities (EPSOs). Research has shown that students who participate in early postsecondary courses are more likely to enroll and persist in postsecondary.
Early postsecondary opportunities allow students to: earn postsecondary credits while in high school, become familiar with postsecondary expectations, develop confidence and skills for success in postsecondary, make informed postsecondary and career decisions, and decrease the time and cost of completing a certificate or degree.
All students should have access to rigorous and relevant early postsecondary opportunities. We challenge all districts in Tennessee to continue thinking about how to incorporate and grow a portfolio of early postsecondary opportunities. Specifically, addressing how schools can offer a portfolio of options that does not limit itself to certain groups of students, but is available to all students. This is reflected in Tennessee's school accountability under the Every Student Succeeds Act through the Ready Graduate Indicator, and explained in more detail through the Ready Graduate Indicator FAQ document.
Early Postsecondary Opportunities Available in Tennessee
Dual Enrollment
Local Dual Credit
Statewide Dual Credit
Advanced Placement (AP)
Cambridge International Examinations (CIE)
International Baccalaureate (IB)
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
Student Industry Certification