Middle School CTE Courses
7th Grade Courses
Inventions and Innovations
In this course, students learn all about invention and innovation. They will have opportunities to study the history of inventions and innovations, including their impacts on society. They will learn about the core concepts of technology and about the various approaches to solving problems, including engineering design and experimentation. Students will apply their creativity in the invention and innovation of new products, processes, or systems. Finally, students learn about how various inventions and innovations impact their lives. Students participate in engineering-design activities to understand how criteria, constraints, and processes affect designs. Students are involved in activities and experiences where they learn about brainstorming, visualizing, sketching, modeling, constructing, testing, experimenting, and refining designs. Students also develop skills in researching for information, communicating design information, completing eng
Introduction to Social Health
Introduction to Social Health is a foundational middle school course in the Education & Training, Hospitality & Tourism, and Human Services clusters. Upon completion of this course, a proficient student will understand components of healthy lifestyles and relationships, communication skills, relationship development, technology uses, and career exploration.
Stem Innovators (STEM ON WHEELS)
STEM Innovators is a fundamental course for middle school students to understand the relationship between STEM and innovation, as well as explore the possibilities of “What could be?” Upon completion of this course, proficient students will understand why innovation is important and how it benefits society. Students will learn how innovation requires creativity and leads to new discoveries and technologies that make life better for humans. In this course, students will identify past innovations and what inspired their creation. Students will continue learning the practices of science and engineering. This course will reinforce the specific practices of developing and using models; planning and carrying out investigations; and analyzing and interpreting data.
8th Grade Courses
Technological Systems
This course is intended to teach students how technological systems work together to solve problems and capture opportunities. A system can be as small as two components working together (technical system/device) or can contain millions of interacting devices (user system/network level). We often break down the macro systems into less complicated Microsystems in order to understand the entire system better. However, technology is becoming more integrated, and systems are becoming more and more dependent upon each other than ever before. This course will give students a general background on the different types of systems but will concentrate more on the connections between these systems. This course will give students a general background on the different types of systems, but will concentrate more on the connections between systems.
Introduction to Social Health
Introduction to Social Health is a foundational middle school course in the Education & Training, Hospitality & Tourism, and Human Services clusters. Upon completion of this course, a proficient student will understand components of healthy lifestyles and relationships, communication skills, relationship development, technology uses, and career exploration.
Stem Designers (STEM ON WHEELS)
STEM Designers is a fundamental middle school course that trains students to define problems and methodically answer the question, “What is the solution?” Upon completion of this course, proficient students understand that engineering design is a process of developing solutions to problems and challenges in order to meet the needs of society. Students continue to apply the practices for science and engineering learned in STEM Explorers and STEM Innovators; however, STEM Designers places more emphasis on practices such as using mathematics and computational thinking;designing solutions; engaging in argument from evidence; and obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information. In addition to gaining a deep understanding of the relationship between engineering and design, students who complete this course will learn how both innovation and engineering design result in new technologies that benefit humans.
Career & Technical Student Organizations
Technology Student Association TSA
Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America FCCLA