Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Career Cluster
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Career Cluster
This Career Cluster exposes students to careers and businesses involved in the planning, management, and movement of people, materials, and products by road, air, rail and water. It also includes related professional and technical support services such as infrastructure planning and management, logistic services, and the maintenance of mobile equipment and facilities.
Transportation, distribution and logistics is a critical sector of the United States economy. Almost 10 million people are employed in transportation or transportation-related occupations. High-growth industry and career specialties offer high-tech, high-wage opportunities. This industry sector represents over 11 percent of the gross domestic product, and is among the fastest growing of all sectors. There will be a growing number of career opportunities in a variety of professional and technical occupations as well as high paid, entry-level occupations that can provide career advancement opportunities.
Automotive Collision Repair--Introduction to Collision Repair, Nonstructural, Painting & Refinishing
Automotive Maintenance & Light Repair--Maintenance & Light Repair I, II, III, IV