Resources for Educators
The Action Based Learning website. If teachers know that students need to move to learn, then what does that look like in the classroom? How can we teach reading, math, social studies, and science while standing up? That's Action Basked Learning? Jean Blaydes Madigan had developed kinesthetic teaching strategies that teach specific academic concepts in a teacher friendly, time efficient, fun way that has proven results for a positive learning experience.
The Adventure to Fitness website. Adventure to Fitness is the nation's #1 educational fitness program for kids. Animated and live action episodes get them exercising, learning, and laughing! The program was developed with input from leading educational, medical, and parenting experts. Used and trusted by over 100,000 teachers.
The Go Noodle website. Go Noodle has hundreds of videos that activate kids' bodies and brains.
The TN Association for Health, PE, Recreation & Dance website. The mission of the Tennessee Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance web site is to provide our members and visitors with information about the association, its members and their contributions to improving the lives of all those they can reach.
The USDA Team Building website. These Team Nutrition resources are available to schools and child care facilities participating in the Federal Child Nutrition Programs. Download the Resource Catalog to share! For questions, or to place a bulk order, please email or call Team Nutrition at (703) 305-1624.