Helpful Resources
Health/Disease Related Information:
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation website for more information on living with Cystic Fibrosis.
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) website for more information on Juvenile Diabetes.
Epilepsy Foundation website for more information on dealing with Epilepsy.
Food Allergy Research & Education website to learn more about living with Food Allergies.
Girls' Guide to Health Care
This guide to girls' health care aims to empower girls to take control of their health and answer any questions they may have. The guide is broken into two parts; the first discusses common health concerns that 10-19 year old girls may experience, while the second part helps young women advocate for themselves before, during and after health care appointments.
You can read the full guide here:
Part One: Common Health Concerns for Girls and Young Women
Part Two: Girls’ Rights and Self Advocacy in Health Care
"Nursing@Georgetown, the online Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner program from the Georgetown University School of Nursing & Health Studies."
Fun for Kids:
NSF Scrub Club website to learn about Germs and Handwashing with games and videos.
Kids Health website with lots of games and health info for kids
National Association of School Nurses (NASN) website for the latest information on School Nursing.
The Centers for Disease Control Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator.
Identify Us website for assistance with identifying various pests.
Safe Schools Training website to complete required annual training. Login required.
How Can My School Nurse Help Me?
How My School Nurse Can Help Me brochure. This is a customizable pamphlet with information for parents about head lice, bedbugs, medications, etc. at school.
Immunization Information:
TennIIS TN Immunization Website to view and print immunization forms. Login required.