Warren County Schools, TN

"One Team, One Goal, High Levels of Learning for All"

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For Parents

The Special Education Department is proud to partner with several community organizations that provide support for parents and children with disabilities. In addition, we provide parenting classes to help parents learn additional strategies for dealing with children's challenging behaviors.

Support For Parents of Exceptional Children

You are invited to join an energetic group of parents and others living or working with children who have exceptional needs.  It is open to anyone in Warren County or surrounding area.  This group includes parents and others of children with ANY disability.


Hickory Creek Elementary (Kindergarten Entrance)


4:30 Pizza and Conversation
5:00 Support Group Meeting


SPEC-Support for Parents of Exceptional Children Calendar

February 2025
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday, January 26
Monday, January 27
Tuesday, January 28
Wednesday, January 29
Thursday, January 30
Friday, January 31
Saturday, February 1
Sunday, February 2
Monday, February 3
Tuesday, February 4
Wednesday, February 5
Thursday, February 6
Friday, February 7
Saturday, February 8
Sunday, February 9
Monday, February 10
Tuesday, February 11
Wednesday, February 12
Thursday, February 13
Friday, February 14
Saturday, February 15
Sunday, February 16
Monday, February 17
Tuesday, February 18
Wednesday, February 19
Thursday, February 20
Friday, February 21
Saturday, February 22
Sunday, February 23
Monday, February 24
Tuesday, February 25
Wednesday, February 26
Thursday, February 27
Friday, February 28
Saturday, March 1


Child Supervision is available by making reservations before noon on the day of the meeting. To make childcare reservations, contact Missy Bennett at (931) 668-1728.


For information regarding the parent support group contact Shannon Jacobs, Facilitator.

Special Education Department 

2548 Morrison Street
McMinnville, TN  37110
(931) 668-1728

Children's Advocacy Center

The Children's Advocacy Center is a child-focused, facility-based program in which representatives from several disciplines meet to discuss and make decisions about the investigation, treatment and prosecution of child abuse cases. The CAC benefits the community by providing better immediate follow-up to child abuse reports, more efficient medical and mental health referrals, reduction in the number of child victim interviews, increased successful prosecution and consistent support for child victims and their supportive adults. For more information contact the Child Advocacy Center at (931) 507-2386.

Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network

The Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network provides information on suicide prevention, training, and publications.  You may contact the TN Suicide Prevention Network at (615) 298-3359.

Melissa Bennett

SPED Secretary

Shannon Jacobs

Autism & Comprehensive Developmental Classroom Consultant

Candice Willmore

SPED Director, Section 504 Coordinator