Warren County Schools, TN

"One Team, One Goal, High Levels of Learning for All"

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Online Subscriptions

Listed below are some of the online subscriptions available

Brain Pop - BrainPOP offers cross-curricular animated movies, learning games,  interactive quizzes, primary source activities, and a breadth of additional resources for students in grades 3+. Its topics span Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Engineering & Tech, Health, and Arts & Music. BrainPOP is also home to GameUp, an educational games portal for the classroom; Make-a-Map, our a concept mapping tool; and the “My BrainPOP” suite of features, which lets teachers keep track of learning, customize assessment, incorporate gaming into instruction, and provide feedback on learning artifacts.

Brain Pop Jr. - BrainPOP Jr. is BrainPOP’s K-3 resource, offering age-appropriate animated movies, interactive quizzes, learning games, and a breadth of other educational activities. Designed to cultivate critical thinking skills and encourage children to ask questions, it covers topics within Science, Social Studies, Reading & Writing, Health, Math, and Arts & Technology. Features like Word Wall (vocabulary), Talk About It (discussion prompts), Write About It (writing prompts), and Draw About It (drawing prompts) support each cross-curricular topic and provide options for children with a range of learning styles. BrainPOP Jr. employs simple navigation so early learners can explore on their own.

BrainPOP Jr. resources support individual, team, and whole-class learning in traditional, blended, and “flipped” settings. Its resources are carefully mapped to the Common Core and other academic standards.

Supporting our K-3 resource is BrainPOP Educators, which offers professional development and an array of lesson plans, training opportunities, video tutorials, graphic organizers, and a rich curriculum calendar.

Brain Pop Espanol - the Spanish version of BrainPop.

Brain Pop Francais - the French version of BrainPop.

G-Suite & GMAIL  - for a username and password - warrenschools email address and password - contact technology for an account

Office 365 - See directions under Technology and Free Microsoft Office 365/Office 2016

Skyward Family and Student Access - Parent Portal for our Student Information System that provides information about your child's grades, attendance, online forms, and more.