Warren County Schools, TN

"One Team, One Goal, High Levels of Learning for All"

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Retirement Information

State Retirement Information

All full-time employees will have a TCRS (State Retirement) account with the State. Please click the link below to register so you can follow your retirement benefits information. Certified employees are coded as "contributing", either Legacy or Hybrid depending on your hire date. This will be seen on your pay stub under the deductions section. Classified employees are coded as "non-contributing" and this deduction is not seen on your paystub, as this contribution is made on your behalf. 



Additional 401k Option
All employees, including part-time employees, are also eligible to enroll in the additional 401k plan with the State through the Empower side. Please click the link below to register your account, elect to enroll, and monitor your account. 


Please note that WCBOE does not have access to view your retirement accounts or your retirement benefit information. You will need to contact them directly with any inquiries. 


Additional Retirement Information