Attendance Areas
The Warren County Board of Education believes that attendance is a key factor in student achievement. The Board encourages every positive and innovative means, which will contribute to students’ regular attendance, recognizing that school personnel, parents, the community, and the students themselves share in the responsibility. Students are expected to be present and punctual each day that school is in session.
Home Schooling
Parents may home school their own children pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated 49-6-3050. Students may be enrolled in Independent Home School or in Church-related Home Schools. Mrs. Barbara Sander may be contacted at the Warren County School Board’s Central Office at 668-4022 ext. 231 or email for assistance in answering questions about home schooling. The school system requests that parents notify the system of the intention to home school.
Independent Home School Requirements
Education for Homeless Children and the McKinney-Vento Act
- If you live in any of the following situations:
- In a shelter, motel, vehicle, or campground
- On the street
- In an abandoned building, trailer, or other inadequate accommodations, or
- Doubled up with friends or relatives because you cannot find or afford housing. Then, you have certain rights or protections under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act.
Helpful LInk for Homeless
Kinship care Information
Please, contact Jeff Martin at (931) 668-4022 ext. 230 or a school counselor for more information.
Homebound/Hospitalization Program
The mission of the Homebound/Hospital Program of Warren County Schools is to provide continuity in a student's education with modifications in instruction based on individual needs due to illness. Services are available to students in general education, special education, students with a 504 plan, and pregnant students who may experience an absence from school of longer than two weeks due to mental or medical illness. Services are provided by a licensed teacher for a minimum of three hours per week.
A Homebound Referral Packet is available at each school and at the Central Office. Parents are responsible for completing the packet and returning it to the Central Office at 2548 Morrison Street. On Tuesday mornings at 8:15 the Homebound Advisory Committee reviews all packets received no later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday.
- Release of Information Homebound Form 2024-2025 in English or Spanish
- Introductory Homebound Letter to Parents 2024-2025 in English or Spanish
- Homebound Checklist & Authorization Form 2024-2025 in English or Spanish
- Healthcare Provider W/Pregnancy 2024-2025 in English or Spanish
- HB Rules and Responsibilities 2024-2025 in English or Spanish
- Student Pregnancy/Parenting Accommodations Policy 24-25 in English or Spanish
Options Available to Allow Students to Remain in a School Setting
The homebound program cannot replace or duplicate school-based instruction. Homebound instruction is a temporary intervention. Therefore, a variety of options may be provided to help students remain in school. By working together - school, family, health provider - accommodations may be made to enable a student with medical problems to remain in a school setting. Accommodations may be available based on recommendation of a health care provider and parent request.
Transcripts of school records up to 1998 are currently on file at the Warren County School Board's office at 2548 Morrison Street. Barbara Sander maintains these files and may be contacted at 668-4022 ext. 231. Warren County High School's counselor's office may be contacted at 668-5858 for more recent transcripts.