For Staff
Facility Tracker login for Maintenance Requests
To Set up a field trip Request account (BusHive)
Warrenschools G-Mail Account login
Forms and Other Documents
- Academic_Form_Dismissal
- EAP-Employee Assistance Program
- Employee Reprimand Online Form for Administrators
- Exit Interview checklist 2014
- Fundraiser Authorization form
- licensure advancement form
- Sole Source Justification Form
- Standards_Gradebook_Teacher_Guide
- Star Benchmark Goal Keeper for 10 Months
- Warren County Schools Evaluation Grievance Form-dh
- Warren County Schools Evaluation Grievance Form-dh part 2
- Warren County Schools Safety Rules Booklet 2013
- WC Employee Incident Report 060313
- Travel Request and Reimbursement Procedures Updated 4/2024
- Travel Form In-County Updated 3/2011
- Travel expense form updated 08/2023
- Travel request form updated 7/2024
- A valet parking travel form for staff whom are traveling out of town (especially Nashville) for an overnight stay during a conference that must utilize valet due to no self-parking available at the hotel. This form must be signed and submitted with reimbursement requests to be able to receive reimbursement for parking (other that self-parking).
Warren County Schools Evaluation and Professional Development
Carl Curtis , Supervisor of Teaching and Learning for grades 7-12 .
These past 4 years have been very challenging for not only Tennessee students, but also Tennessee teachers. New standards have been implemented over these past 4 years, new tests are being designed and both of these items impact student outcomes that are used as part of all teachers overall evaluation scores. The challenges are tremendous...but with great struggle will come great growth.
Along with these new challenges comes great resources and opportunities to assist teachers as they grow and develop. Teaching is a journey, not a destination. Exemplary teachers will always see ways to become more effective. One trait of a level 5 teacher is that he/she constantly reflects on how they might become more effective by looking at the current results and using this data to improve future instruction... it is a on-going, continuous process.
As we face these these challenges and more, our district and school leaders are dedicated to providing resources that will provide teachers with professional development that will be just in time, focused on the national , state, and local goals and differentiated for all teachers.
Some professional development initiatives are global in nature, some are related to school improvement plans and some are strictly related to the evaluation refinement area identified through observation or a teacher's personal professional goals. Professional Development is a collaborative endeavor. Together Everyone Accomplishes More. TEAM
Goals of WC Schools PD:
- To utilize data to determine Professional Development needs for the system. (Math and Reading / Language Arts - system wide with focus on 3rd grade Reading / LA and 7th grade Math)
- Writing Professional Development that is focused on research based practices.
- Provide support for school level and teacher level professional development to meet the needs of our students when we focus our efforts on the big ideas of a PLC and the essential questions of all learning communities.
- PLCs- Greater focus on collaboration to share best practices and to solve our own curricular and instruction issues.
- Curricular alignment to gain focus on the standards that will match the expectations of the new test. (Essentials identified at each school with Common Assessments created by teams of teachers that really test the rigor of the standards.)